1.   What is Report + Support? 
Report + Support is an online tool developed by Culture Shift where Turing People can report issues of bullying and harassment, discrimination, assault, hate crime, sexual misconduct, or a breach to our Turing Values, anonymously or via contacting an advisor to discuss. Report + Support is also home to information about internal and external support, policies and procedures. 
2.   Who can make a report? 
Any member of the Turing community can make a report through Report + Support. 
Reporting flowchart
3.   What happens when someone makes an anonymous report?
The report will be viewed by one of the administrators (see q. 15 for a list of administrators). 
The administrators will first review the report to identify any risks that relate to duty of care. If anyone or a department is named in the report, the administrator may assign the report to a case advisor (see q.16 for a list of case advisors) who will review in line with the relevant conduct policy. 
We are unable to commit to taking any formal action, however the information can be used to identify whether there have been similar complaints and whether there is a pattern of behaviour or trends which should be explored further to inform proactive prevention. We would encourage you to access support and advice, even if you choose to report anonymously. 

4.   What is the difference between anonymous and advisor reports? 

The Turing does not know who has made an anonymous report, and therefore cannot reach out and provide support. Whereas if someone wants to receive support or consider informal or formal options to address a concern, they would make a named report and speak to an advisor. 
5.   What happens when someone wants to contact an advisor? 
An advisor will be a member of the HR, Academic Services or Academic Engagement teams. The administrators (see below), assign a case to the relevant advisor. Each of the advisors are provided with a login and can only access cases that are assigned to them relevant to their area of responsibility. 
The advisor receives an email notification that a case has been assigned to them – no identifiable information is provided within this email alert. The advisor then logs into Report + Support to access information provided using their personal login details. The advisor then makes contact with the person who has made the report and will arrange a meeting to discuss the next steps including identifying any relevant conduct policies.
6.   What action can you take from anonymous reports? 

Information provided within anonymous reports will be used as statistical data to understand what is happening and to inform proactive prevention work. Follow-up action will be taken where necessary in line with the Turing's relevant conduct policies. If you choose to report anonymously we will not ask you for any personally identifiable details so will not be able to offer any direct advice.

7.  Can I report a historic incident? 
The Turing believes that time passed should not be a barrier to reporting. However we do encourage members of the community to reach out and report when they feel comfortable. Where possible, we will try and take action. However, depending on the time frame, the availability of evidence and witnesses, it may be more challenging. 
8.  What happens if I ask to inform the whistleblowing officer?
If you select to have the whistleblowing officer notified of your report, the Admin team will pass on any relevant information to the nominated officer.  This may be relevant for reporting incidents relating to areas such as bribery, fraud or criminal activity. For further information about whistleblowing and the process of reporting in relation to whistleblowing, please see the Whistleblowing Policy. 

9.   How will the Turing manage malicious complaints?

If a report is found to be malicious or vexatious, such reports will be addressed under existing conduct policies and procedures. 
10.   What do you do with the information gathered from anonymous reports? 

 The People team will perform trend analysis to identify and address any concerning trends. 
11.   What do you do with the data gathered from the reports?

The data collected from Report + Support is used to produce anonymised annual reports. These reports would include the number of cases, most reported types of harassment and location. This information will be reported on a regular basis to REPCo to inform proactive prevention work. The Turing will work with areas identified to address any concerning trends. 
12.  How secure is the data and information sent through the system?

Data held on Report + Support is GDPR compliant and further information about how data is collected and stored is outlined in the Privacy Notice. The system has been security tested by both the developer, Culture Shift, and by The Alan Turing Institute.  
13.  How long is data stored on the system? 

We will only retain personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil purposes we collected it for. We will keep records of reports one year from case closure on the Report + Support system as outlined in the 
Privacy Notice. All personal data will be kept according to the Records Retention Schedule. 
14.  Do I have to use the system to make a report? 

Although we encourage you to use this system to report any type of incident, we understand that there may be reasons why you do not wish to do so. Anyone can file a report directly with HR (hr@turing.ac.uk), Academic Services (academic-services@turing.ac.uk), or Academic Engagement (academic-engagement@turing.ac.uk), but please note the relevant Turing department may add the details of this report as an anonymous entry on the Report and Support platform for data collection purposes. 
Please note, if you are a student or researcher and wish to file a report about something or someone relating to your home university, this cannot be done on the Turing’s Report and Support platform. Please contact Academic Services or Academic Engagement for further advice on this.

15.  Who are the administrators on the system? 
Michelle Buckman - HR Business Partner 
Julie Alland – Head of Culture and Engagement 
Clare Randall – Director of People 
16.  Who are the advisors on the system? 
Employees, secondees,  and visitors | HR (People Directorate)  
Shared team mailbox hr@turing.ac.uk
Amerik Phull, HR Advisor aphull@turing.ac.uk +44 (0)20 3 862 3339 
Lucy David, HR Advisor ldavid@turing.ac.uk 
Michelle Buckman, HR Business Partner mbuckman@turing.ac.uk +44 (0)203 862 3336 
Julie Alland, Head of Culture and Engagement jalland@turing.ac.uk +44 020 3 862 3512
Turing Students, Turing Research Fellows  | Academic Services (People Directorate)  
Shared team mailbox academic-services@turing.ac.uk
Georgia Koumara, Academic Services Administrator gkoumara@turing.ac.uk +44 (0)20 3862 3349 
Sam Selvarajah, Academic Services Manager sselvarajah@turing.ac.uk +44 (0) 20 3862 3341 

Turing Fellows,  Staff at University Partners | Academic Engagement Directorate
 Shared team mailbox   | academic-engagement@turing.ac.uk
Raising an appeal  
Clare Randall, Director of People crandall@turing.ac.uk +44 020 3 862 3351

There are two ways you can tell us what happened