Turing Conduct Policies

 All members of the Turing community are required to treat all students, staff, Fellows and external visitors in a friendly, courteous and dignified manner. 

All members of the community have a right to complain in confidence if they believe that they are being harassed whilst working or studying. No member of the Turing community is expected to tolerate what they genuinely and reasonably believe to be bullying, harassment, sexual harassment or victimisation, whether by a member of the Turing community or a third party such as a supplier or visitor to the office space. 

Bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination and victimisation are contrary to the Equality Act 2010 and the values of the Turing as set out in the Code of Conduct Policy. 

The Complaints Policy details the procedure on how to make a complaint against another member of the Turing community. 

The Bullying and Harassment policy outlines  the Turing's approach to bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination or victimisation, by any members of its community.

The Grievance Policy details the procedure on how to raise a grievance against another member of the Turing community.  The Turing recognises employees may have issues or concerns regarding their work or relationship with colleagues which they wish to raise and have addressed. The Institute is committed to ensuring that all grievances are fully investigated in a fair, prompt and consistent manner.

The Disciplinary Policy aims to ensure that the highest standard of behaviour and conduct are met across the Alan Turing Institute at all times. It is therefore essential that any alleged issues of unacceptable behaviour and conduct are managed positively, proactively, transparently, and objectively. The Institute aims to resolve these promptly, effectively and where possible informally. 

The Equality and Diversity Policy  outlines the Turing's commitment to providing equal opportunities for all existing employees and potential employees. It opposes all forms of unfair discrimination and endeavours to treat all with dignity and respect and provide a working environment free from any discrimination, victimisation and harassment.

The Domestic Violence Policy aims to support Turing members who experience domestic abuse and to provide guidance to managers, employees and researchers about appropriate actions to take with signposting to internal and external sources of support.

Sexual Assault- The Turing’s Code of Conduct Policy includes unwanted physical conduct including more serious forms of sexual assault in its examples of harassment. If a student or member of staff wishes to make a complaint involving serious sexual assault they are not required to follow the standard procedure for this policy. In this instance they can contact the Director of People directly. The Metropolitan Police define the difference between sexual assault and serious sexual assault.

Research Misconduct policy
This policy highlights the Turing's position on upholding and maintaining the integrity of Eligible Research. For further information about research misconduct, please see the policy.
Whistleblowing Policy
Members of the Turing community have the opportunity to notify the whistleblowing officer when making a report. This may be relevant for reporting incidents relating to areas such as bribery, fraud or criminal activity. For further information about whistleblowing and the process of reporting in relation to whistleblowing, please see the Whistleblowing Policy. 
Our Values
Our Values
As the Institute continues to grow rapidly it becomes increasingly important to nurture an inclusive, supportive culture. The Turing has now defined a set of values and behaviours it expects the Turing community to demonstrate and lead. A new consultation group developed a set of core Turing values: 

Respect – We treat everyone with respect, dignity and kindness and acknowledge the experiences, skills and contributions of others.  
Trust - We communicate openly and honestly to support an environment where we have trust in each other.  
Transparency – We seek to ensure that everyone understands the how and the why of our decisions and actions. We take on board to feedback when those decisions are challenged.  
Inclusivity – We are committed to continuously learning how to be more inclusive by listening to those facing barriers.  
Leadership – We recognise creating an inclusive, diverse and equitable institute requires leadership from all. We stand up and speak out when change is needed.  
Integrity – We recognise that how we work is as important as our outputs and seek to exemplify best practice in all our decisions. 

The following links provide further information on the support that's available for the Turing community, whether something has happened to you or someone you know.  

There are two ways you can tell us what happened